Gerson Therapy- Learn About It Here

Cancer is a grouping of diseases that is featured by irregular cell growth. It is among the primary causes of bereavement all over the world. Aside from conventional cancer healing, there are some alternative and natural therapies that some individuals believe to be an effective option for preventing or treating cancer. The popular alternative conduct is Gerson therapy retreat, a nutrition system that involves specialized diet, detoxification, raw juices, and supplements.

On the other hand, many experts question the efficacy and safety of Gerson therapy retreat, a way of healing cancer naturally.

This short post provides a detailed overview of the Gerson therapy retreat and tells the reader whether it is an effective healing retreats California option to treat cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Gerson therapy- what it is?

Also called as Gerson therapy diet is a natural alternative healing system that claims to activate the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself. Gerson supposed that cancers and other chronic illnesses are caused by changes in one’s metabolism which take place when toxic substance accumulates into the body. This therapy aims at restoring health by removing toxins and mounting dampness.

Gerson practitioners are medical doctors with a clinical or medical background that have effectively finished the Gerson practitioner training program.

Gerson therapy is having 3 primary components- supplements, diet, and detoxification. Individuals on the therapy follow a natural, plant-based diet with raw juices, uses coffee enemas many times daily for detoxification, and take a wide range of supplements.

Before beginning this healing retreats California, you need to apply on the website - by submitting medical records then undergoing case assessment to see if you are qualified.

Although this therapy is meant to treat a wide assortment of chronic diseases, the institute state that specific conditions don’t respond well to this therapy. It includes kidney failure, brain tumors, etc.

How does it work?

Gerson therapy retreat is divided into 3 key components- detoxification, diet, and supplements.

Diet- Gerson's therapy diet is wholly vegetarian and too low in sodium, protein, and fats as Gerson supposed that this can help treat disease. Anyone is asked to take 15-20 pounds of organic produce each day. This is said to help flood the body with nutrients. Most of that product is used for making raw juice. Dieters are suggested to drink 8 ounces of taw juice each hour.

Supplements- Due to the diet is loaded with nutrients, its supplements are not meant to offer more nutrients. Instead, they are intended to support cells' metabolic processes. The supplement includes pancreatic enzymes, potassium, and Lugol's solution, thyroid hormone supplement, Vitamin B12, and B3. Potassium supplements are a key part of the Gerson therapy retreat.

Detoxification- As per the Gerson Institute, the combined effect of supplements and diet releases toxins. Therefore liver that’s the main organ process toxins would be working harder. To support liver, Gerson therapy, healing cancer naturally option incorporate coffee enemas which allegedly widen liver’s bile duct so it releases toxins. Dieters need to do 1 coffee enema every 24 hours of juice taken.

Food to avoid-

When opting for Gerson therapy retreat as healing retreats California, it bans high protein, fat, and sodium food. Here is a list of foods to avoid.

1-       Meat & seafood

2-       Protein supplement

3-       Soybeans

4-       Dairy products

5-       Mushroom, radish greens, carrot, raw spinach

6-       Pineapple, avocadoes

7-       Oils and fats

8-       Salt and sodium

9-       Black pepper, oregano

10-   Alcohol


According to the research, it was found that Gerson therapy retreat is good as some sufferers are found to survived longer and have had the quality of life.


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